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Donough O'Malley

Donough O'Malley

Donough O'Malley - Ilustrador gráfico e retro internacional. Reino Unido

O estilo gráfico e arrojado do ilustrador irlandês Donough O'Malley se destaca dos demais graças ao seu humor peculiar, atraente impressão antiga e texturização de papel e sua habilidade excepcional de criar algo novo e único para cada cliente.
Hailing from Monaghan, Donough is based in Brighton where he works as an illustrator and storyboard artist for a range of publishers, broadcasters and production houses. He loves the challenge of creating new visuals for clients, and two of his favourite fellow illustrators are Steve Simpson and Peter Donnelly. He has a BA in Illustration from the University of the West of England and an MA in Narrative and Sequential Design from Brighton University.


Once he understands the brief, Donough grabs his pencils and sketchpad and explores some ideas, making notes and working out a composition. Then he hones the style of the execution and colour choices. His pencil rough is brought into Photoshop and fine-tuned using handmade textures he’s collected over the years.


Donough’s carefully honed style brings together colours, shapes and textures to generate a sense of fun and a very tactile feel. His graphical style lends itself well to screenprinting, which he’s into at the moment, but he’s equally happy creating more traditional-style illustrations to be used in children’s books, for instance.

Lista de clientes

Os clientes de Donough incluem Big Issue, Jameson's Whiskey, Random House, Oxford University Press, Quarto, Hachette, The V&A, revista 1843, Britvic Soft Drinks, revista Women's Health, New Internationalist, Runners World, Slimmers World, Haymarket Publishing, The Handmade Soap Company, The Boston Globe, University of Massachusetts e outros.
Donough O'Malley
Pessoas felizes em lancha
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Caminhada do Paddy
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Organizador de reunião familiar
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
não ficção, livro infantil,
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Design de rótulo de abelha para a Cervejaria Avant Garde
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Ilustração de recurso sobre o benefício do feriado do Imposto do Selo no Reino Unido
Donough O'Malley
Ilustração de wakeboard por Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley
Donough O'Malley

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